Convert a string to a URL-friendly slug using JavaScript

SEO is important, and one of the things that can help improve your website's SEO is having a URL that is easy to read and understand. This is where slugs come in.
A slug is a URL-friendly version of a string, typically used to identify a resource on a website. Conventionally, slugs are created by converting a string to lowercase, removing special characters and replacing spaces with dashes.
The first part is straightforward, using String.prototype.toLowerCase()
and String.prototype.trim()
to lowercase and tidy up the string. Then, you can use a regular expression to find any characters that are not alphanumeric (\w
), spaces (\s
) or dashes (-
) and remove them, using String.prototype.replace()
After that, you can replace word separators, such as spaces (\s
) and underscores (_
) and dashes (-
), with a single dash (-
), using String.prototype.replace()
Finally, we can use a regular expression to match one or more consecutive dashes (-+
) at the beginning and end of the string and remove them, using String.prototype.replace()
one more time.
const slugify = str => str .toLowerCase() .trim() .replace(/[^\w\s-]/g, '') .replace(/[\s_-]+/g, '-') .replace(/^-+|-+$/g, ''); slugify('Hello World!'); // 'hello-world'