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Create a Git commit

The building block of version control in Git is the commit. A commit represents a unit of work that you want to save in your repository. It includes changes to files, a commit message, and metadata like the author and timestamp.

Create a commit

Using git commit -m <message>, you can create a new commit with the staged changes and the specified <message>. If you omit the -m option, Git will open the default text editor to enter the commit message.

๐Ÿ’ก Tip

If you want to learn how to configure Git's default text editor before using this command, check the linked article.

# Syntax: git commit [-m <message>]

git add .
git commit -m "Fix the network bug"
# Creates a commit with the message "Fix the network bug"

git add .
git commit
# Opens the default text editor to enter the commit message

Commit without running git hooks

If, for whatever reason, you want to skip the pre-commit and commit-msg hooks, you can use the --no-verify option with the git commit command. Running git commit --no-verify -m <message> will commit the staged changes without running the hooks.

๐Ÿ’ฌ Note

Git hooks are usually set up to enforce coding standards, run tests, or perform other checks before allowing a commit. Use this option with caution.

# Syntax: git commit --no-verify -m <message>

# Make some changes to files, ones that your precommit hook might not allow
git add .
git commit --no-verify -m "Unsafe commit"
# Creates a commit with the message "Unsafe commit", without running git hooks

Create an empty commit

Empty commits are sometimes useful when you want to mark a point in history without making any changes. You can create an empty commit using the --allow-empty option with the git commit command. Running git commit --allow-empty -m <message> will create an empty commit with the provided <message>. No changes will be included in the commit, but it will still be recorded in the repository history.

# Syntax: git commit --allow-empty -m <message>

git commit --allow-empty -m "Empty commit"
# Creates an empty commit with the message "Empty commit"

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