An introduction to functional programming
A short introduction to the functional programming paradigm.
Functional programming treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data. Get started with this programming paradigm in JavaScript with this collection of introductory articles.
A short introduction to the functional programming paradigm.
Pure functions are a very important concept to know, especially if you're interested in functional programming.
Immutability is a fundamental concept you should be familiar with when learning functional programming.
Learn everything you need to know about higher-order functions with this short guide and level up your programming skills.
Recursion is a very important programming concept all developers should be familiar with.
Currying is a process that transforms a function that takes multiple arguments into a series of functions that each take a single argument.
Understand the basics of function composition, a fundamental concept in functional programming.
Function arity is a simple, yet useful concept in functional programming, especially when combined with currying.
Learn how to leverage partial application to improve the reusability of your JavaScript functions.
Learn how to reorder the arguments of a JavaScript function to fit your needs.