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Map a JavaScript object to an array

Ever wanted to map an object to an array of objects using a custom mapping function? This can be useful when you need to separate a dictionary-like object into individual objects, including the keys as properties.

Convert an object to an array of objects

The simplest way to get the key-value pairs of an object is to use Object.entries(). Then, using and a mapping function, you can map the key-value pairs to an array of objects.

const listify = (obj, mapFn) =>
  Object.entries(obj).map(([key, value]) => mapFn(key, value));

const people = [
  { name: 'John', age: 42 },
  { name: 'Adam', age: 39 },

listify(people, (key, value) => ({ name: key, ...value }));
// [ { name: 'John', age: 42 }, { name: 'Adam', age: 39 } ]

Convert an array of objects to an object

Conversely, what about the opposite? You can simply use Object.fromEntries() to convert an array of objects to an object. The mapFn function should return a 2-element array with the key-value pair.

const delistify = (arr, mapFn) =>  Object.fromEntries(;

const people = [
  { name: 'John', age: 42 },
  { name: 'Adam', age: 39 },

delistify(people, (obj) => {
  const { name, } = obj;
  return [name, rest];
// { John: { age: 42 }, Adam: { age: 39 } }

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