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How can I add or remove an event listener from multiple elements?

Adding or removing the same event listener from multiple elements can get pretty tedious and repetitive. However, bundling up the logic into a couple of helper functions can make the process much more manageable.

💬 Note

If you're looking to add or remove the same handler for multiple event listeners to a single element, take a look at the snippet on adding multiple listeners to a single element.

Add event listener to multiple elements

If all you need to do is add the same event listener to multiple elements, you can use Array.prototype.forEach() to iterate over the elements and attach the listener using EventTarget.addEventListener().

You will need to provide the list of targets, the event type, the listener function, and any additional options you want to pass to addEventListener().

const addEventListenerAll = (
) => {
  targets.forEach(target =>
    target.addEventListener(type, listener, options, useCapture)

const linkListener = () => console.log('Clicked a link');
addEventListenerAll(document.querySelectorAll('a'), 'click', linkListener);
// Logs 'Clicked a link' whenever any anchor element is clicked

Remove event listener from multiple elements

Similarly, removing the same event listener from multiple elements can be done by iterating over the elements with Array.prototype.forEach() and detaching the listener using EventTarget.removeEventListener().

Again, you will need to provide all the same arguments as when adding the event listener.

const removeEventListenerAll = (
) => {
  targets.forEach(target =>
    target.removeEventListener(type, listener, options, useCapture)

const linkListener = () => console.log('Clicked a link');
document.querySelector('a').addEventListener('click', linkListener);
removeEventListenerAll(document.querySelectorAll('a'), 'click', linkListener);
// The 'click' event listener is removed from all anchor elements

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