What is the difference between encodeURI() and encodeURIComponent() in JavaScript?
The encodeURIComponent()
function encodes everything in the given string, except A-Z a-z 0-9 - _ . ! ~ * ' ( )
. You should use this function if the string you are encoding is only part of a URL.
const partOfURL = 'my-page#with,speci@l&/"characters"?'; const fullURL = 'https://my-website.com/my-page?query="a%b"&user=1'; encodeURIComponent(partOfURL); // Good, escapes special characters // 'my-page%23with%2Cspeci%40l%26%2F%22characters%22%3F' encodeURIComponent(fullURL); // Bad, encoded URL is not valid // 'https%3A%2F%2Fmy-website.com%2Fmy-page%3Fquery%3D%22a%25b%22%26user%3D1'
The encodeURI()
function encodes everything in the given string, except A-Z a-z 0-9 ; , / ? : @ & = + $ - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) #
. You should use this function if the string you are encoding is a full URL.
const partOfURL = 'my-page#with,speci@l&/"characters"?'; const fullURL = 'https://my-website.com/my-page?query="a%b"&user=1'; encodeURI(partOfURL); // Bad, does not escape all special characters // 'my-page#with,speci@l&/%22characters%22?' encodeURI(fullURL); // Good, encoded URL is valid // 'https://my-website.com/my-page?query=%22this%25thing%22&user=1'