What is a pure function?
Pure functions are a very important concept to know, especially if you're interested in functional programming.
Preparing for a job interview requires studying to refresh your knowledge and skills. This collection of JavaScript interview questions is designed to cover some commonly-asked interview questions, using concise answers and simple examples.
Pure functions are a very important concept to know, especially if you're interested in functional programming.
Recursion is a very important programming concept all developers should be familiar with.
JavaScript's strict mode can make your code faster, cleaner and more secure.
Understanding how to correctly load your JavaScript files can significantly improve your web application's performance.
Learn and understand closures, a core concept in JavaScript programming, and level up your code.
An Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) is a JavaScript trick that trips up many developers. Here's what you need to know.
The Event Loop is a source of confusion for many developers, but it's a fundamental piece of the JavaScript engine.
While both the prefix and postfix operators increment a value, the resulting value of the expression is very different.
CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) trips up many developers, but it's pretty easy to wrap your head around.