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Use JavaScript to listen and handle scroll stop events

Listening for scroll events in JavaScript is relatively easy, using the 'scroll' event. However, sometimes you might want to know when the user has stopped scrolling. This can be useful for things like lazy loading, infinite scrolling, or other performance optimizations.

As there's no event to catch at the end of a user scroll, you'll have to use a bit of a workaround to achieve this. The simplest solution is adding a short delay to handling the scroll event. Adding a timeout will allow you to wait and check if another scroll event has occurred, canceling the previous timeout and starting a new one. This effectively allows you to wait for the user to stop scrolling before running your callback.

So how do you go about implementing this? As mentioned already, we'll use EventTarget.addEventListener() to listen for the 'scroll' event. We'll also use setTimeout() to wait 150 ms until calling the given callback. Finally, we'll use clearTimeout() to clear the timeout if a new 'scroll' event is fired in under 150 ms.

Altering the number of milliseconds in the setTimeout() function will change the delay before the callback is called, essentially altering the sensitivity of the scroll stop event. You can play around with this number to find the best value for your use case.

const onScrollStop = callback => {
  let isScrolling;
    e => {
      isScrolling = setTimeout(() => {
      }, 150);

onScrollStop(() => {
  console.log('The user has stopped scrolling');
}); // Logs when the user has stopped scrolling

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