Convert between hex and RGB
Converts a hexadecimal color code to a tuple of integers corresponding to its RGB components and vice versa.
The Python article collection contains helper functions for Python 3.6. It includes utilities for most common data types, such as primitivies, lists, dictionaries and date objects.
Converts a hexadecimal color code to a tuple of integers corresponding to its RGB components and vice versa.
Find the list of prime factors of a number, using a simple Python function.
Map a number from one range to another range.
Learn how to calculate the Hamming distance between two values.
Find the index of the element with the minimum or maximum value in a list.
Convert an integer to its roman numeral representation.
Find the sum of the powers of all the numbers from start
to end
(both inclusive).
Calculate the number of ways to choose k
items from n
items without repetition and without order.