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Email and callable telephone links

Contact links are just about one of the most ubiquitous elements on the web. They are used to provide a quick way for users to get in touch with you. The most traditional ones are email and phone links, both of which are natively supported by browsers.

Email link

For the email link, you'll use a link (<a>) element with the mailto: scheme. This scheme allows you to create a link that, when clicked, will open the user's default email client with the recipient's email address already filled in. You can also pre-fill the subject and body of the email.

Then, you'll use the encodeURIcomponent function to safely encode the subject and body into the link URL. Finally, you'll render the link with children as its content.

const Mailto = ({ email, subject = '', body = '', children }) => {
  let params = subject || body ? '?' : '';
  if (subject) params += `subject=${encodeURIComponent(subject)}`;
  if (body) params += `${subject ? '&' : ''}body=${encodeURIComponent(body)}`;

  return <a href={`mailto:${email}${params}`}>{children}</a>;

  <Mailto email="foo@bar.baz" subject="Hello & Welcome" body="Hello world!">
    Mail me!

Callable telephone link

Similar to the email link, the callable telephone link uses a link (<a>) element with the tel: scheme. This scheme allows you to create a link that, when clicked, will open the user's default phone app with the recipient's phone number already filled in.

As this is a simple link, you only need to provide the phone number and render the link with children as its content.

const Callto = ({ phone, children }) => {
  return <a href={`tel:${phone}`}>{children}</a>;

  <Callto phone="+302101234567">Call me!</Callto>

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