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React usePortal hook

React's portals allow you to render children outside the parent component. Sometimes, however, you may want to create a portal programmatically. You can create a custom hook to achieve this.

First off, we will start by creating a state variable, using the useState() hook. This state variable will hold the render() and remove() functions for the portal.

Then, using ReactDOM.createPortal() and ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(), we will create a portal and a function to remove it. We will wrap and memoize these functions as createPortal() using the useCallback() hook.

Finally, we will use the useEffect() hook to call createPortal() and update the state variable any time the el value changes. We will return the render() function of the state variable.

const usePortal = el => {
  const [portal, setPortal] = React.useState({
    render: () => null,
    remove: () => null,

  const createPortal = React.useCallback(el => {
    const Portal = ({ children }) => ReactDOM.createPortal(children, el);
    const remove = () => ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(el);
    return { render: Portal, remove };
  }, []);

  React.useEffect(() => {
    if (el) portal.remove();
    const newPortal = createPortal(el);
    return () => newPortal.remove(el);
  }, [el]);

  return portal.render;

const App = () => {
  const Portal = usePortal(document.querySelector('title'));

  return (
      Hello world!
      <Portal>Portalized Title</Portal>

  <App />

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