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Fluid typography with CSS clamp

Fluid typography is a technique that allows text to scale according to the viewport width. This is particularly useful for responsive designs, where you want the text to grow or shrink based on the available space.

💬 Note

While fluid typography is a cool technique, hand-crafted typographic scales can often look more polished. You may want to read more in the typographic scale basics article.

In order to create fluid typography, you can use the clamp() CSS function to clamp the value of font-size between a minimum and maximum value. This ensures that the text size will never be smaller than the minimum value or larger than the maximum value.

It is advised to use rem units for the minimum and maximum values, as they are relative to the root font size. This allows you to set a base font size on the html element and have the text scale accordingly.

Finally, you should use a formula to calculate the responsive value for font-size. This formula should be based on the viewport width, so that the text size grows or shrinks as the viewport changes, thus you can use the vw unit.

In the example below, the font-size is clamped between 1rem and 3rem, and the formula 8vw - 2rem is used to calculate the responsive value. This formula ensures that the text size will be 1rem at 600px viewport width and 3rem at 1000px viewport width.

.fluid-type {
  font-size: clamp(1rem, 8vw - 2rem, 3rem);

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