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Input with prefix

Ever wanted to create an input with a visual, non-editable prefix? HTML, CSS and some ingenuity can help you with that!

All you really need is two elements: a <span> for the prefix and an <input> for the actual input field. By styling them accordingly, you can create a visually appealing input box that looks like it has a prefix.

For starters, you can create a container element with display: flex to align the prefix and the input field. You can then remove the border and outline from the <input> field. Apply them to the parent element instead to make it look like an input box.

Finally, you can use the :focus-within pseudo-class selector to style the parent element accordingly, when the user interacts with the <input> field.

<div class="input-box">
  <span class="prefix">+30</span>
  <input type="tel" placeholder="210 123 4567"/>
.input-box {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  border: 1px solid #a0a0a0;
  border-radius: 4px;

.input-box input {
  border: none;
  outline: none;

.input-box:focus-within {
  border-color: #4f7df3;

See the embedded CodePen

❗️ Caution

Make sure to include your prefix when submitting the form. You can use JavaScript to append it to the input value before sending it to the server.

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