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Use JavaScript to find all the images in an element

JavaScript is extremely powerful when it comes to DOM querying and manipulation, especially if you need to perform well-defined tasks. One task I've found myself solving a handful of times is finding all the images within an element. This can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as lazy-loading images or extracting image URLs for further processing.

First and foremost, a less often used selector such as Element.getElementsByTagName() can be used to get all the elements of a specific type within an element. In this case, we're looking for all the <img> elements. This method returns an HTMLCollection of elements, which can be converted to an array using the spread operator (...).

const getImages = el => [...el.getElementsByTagName('img')];

const images = getImages(document);
// [HTMLImageElement, HTMLImageElement, ...]

We could stop here, but most likely we want the URL where each image asset is located. To get the src attribute of each image, we can use to iterate over the array of images and extract the src attribute, using Element.getAttribute().

const getImages = el =>
  [...el.getElementsByTagName('img')].map(img => img.getAttribute('src'));

const imageUrls = getImages(document);
// ['image1.jpg', 'image2.png', ...]

If you want to eliminate duplicate URLs, you can use a Set to store the unique values. As this might not be always the desired behavior, we can use an optional second argument, includeDuplicates, to control this behavior. Then, we can conditionally return the array or the Set converted back to an array.

const getImages = (el, includeDuplicates = false) => {
  const images = [...el.getElementsByTagName('img')].map(img =>
  return includeDuplicates ? images : [ Set(images)];

getImages(document, true);
// ['image1.jpg', 'image2.png', 'image1.png', '...']
getImages(document, false);
// ['image1.jpg', 'image2.png', '...']

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