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View a summary of changes between two Git commits

Have you ever wanted to see the changes between two commits in a Git repository without having to go through the entire commit history? A summary of changes can help you understand the differences between two commits quickly. So how can you do that?

Using git shortlog <commit>..<other-commit>, you can view a summary of changes between two given commits. Note that the two commits don't have to be consecutive, and you can use any valid commit references, such as commit hashes, branch names, or tags. This allows you to compare any two points in the repository's history.

As usual, you can navigate through the summary using the arrow keys and exit by pressing Q.

# Syntax: git shortlog <commit>..<other-commit>

git shortlog 3050fc0de..HEAD
# Duck Quacking (2):
#      Fix network bug
#      Update documentation

git shortlog v1.0..v2.0
# Duck Quacking (2):
#      Add new feature
#      Update dependencies

git shortlog master..feature-branch
# Duck Quacking (2):
#      Add new feature
#      Update documentation

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